
Name: Allosaurus
Age: 150 million years old
Address: Jurassic woodlands
Distinguishing Features: bony head, teeth like knives, big claws, 3-fingered hands, heavy tail, strong legs
Name: Triceratops
Age: 75 million years old
Address: Wooded plains
Distinguishing Features: 3 horns, neck frill, bony spikes, big skull, teeth that slice
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Name: Tyrannosaurus Rex (“But you can call me T-Rex!”)
Age: 66 million years old
Address: Mesozoic forests and swamps
Distinguishing Features: massive in size, bone-crushing teeth, powerful legs, tiny arms, birdlike feet, scales and feathers
Name: Velociraptor
Age: 75 million years old (“That’s a lot of candles on my cake!”)
Address: Shrublands and deserts
Distinguishing Features: light, fast, agile, killer claws, covered in feathers, razor teeth
Name: Stegosaurus
Age: 150 million years old
Address: Forests
Distinguishing Features: Big, bony back plates, small brain, spikey tail
Name: Spinosaurus
Age: 112 million years old
Address: Tropical swamps
Distinguishing Features: longer and heavier than T-Rex; a “sail” on its back; flexible tail, fishhook claws/fish-catching jaw
Name: Apatosaurus
Age: 150 million years old
Address: Jurassic woodlands
Distinguishing Features: heavy as 4 big elephants; looooooong neck and tail; pencil teeth
Name: Titanosaur
Age: 95 million years old
Address: Forests
Distinguishing Features: “My name says it all—titanic, colossal, stupendous, BIG!”