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Lorem Ipsum



Make no bones about it, being a book character is hard work.

First, I have to sit around and wait on Carole Marsh to write something!

(Sometimes, I think she’d rather eat lunch with her friends, or shop, or take a nap.)

Then, I have to wait until she edits her first draft of the book before she let’s me read it.

That’s when maybe I get to add some ideas for the story or the art. Sometimes, they even listen to me!

But mostly, I have to read and laugh at our antics. And be scared when Bonehead or Boneapart, or Bonefinger get in our face. Or, some of those gnarly, snarky dinosaurs.

I often wonder how we will get out of such a wild adventure and get back home by Sunday night. (Mommypenny’s rule!)

But I turn the page, and THERE WE ARE! At Show and Tell!

Yeah, still often in my dirty shirt, but all’s well that ends well, hey?

Sometimes I turn the page and Carole Marsh has gotten me in so much trouble—like maybe when she lets a dino follow us home!




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